Carnival Three!
Infrequent as ever, we trudge on nonetheless.
As always, copyright of a given poem belongs to its author. Feel free to link, but ask permission before copying.
Carnival of Poets is listed at the TTLB ÜberCarnival.
Submissions to this carnival can be made by sending email to carnivalofpoets at gmail dot com, or by using the Carnival Submit Form at Conservative Cat. Submissions are posted once I have at least 10 entries, so the only way to make them more frequent is to write more, and encourage your friends to write more.
- Kiril Kundurazieff submits Bob Hope Dies at 100, GENEALOGY!: Ditties Inspired By Burma Shave Signs, Television as Poetry, and The Key. Quite productive!
- Andrew Ian Dodge at Dodgeblogium presents NEW MEN OF HARLECH, DAMN YOUR BRAVE NEW WALES!
- Minerva at A Woman of Many Parts presents Fast Food Love
- Jim "Suldog" Sullivan at Inside On The Outside presents We Seldom Heard You Sing
- muse at Shiloh Musings presents Is it only in my shul? (synagogue)
- muse at me-ander presents This morning at the pool
- Mastiff at Critical Mastiff presents While We're Waiting for "Serenity"…
- mensa barbie at Mensa Barbie Welcomes You presents © The Sweetly Bee
- Steve Pavlina at Steve Pavlina's Personal Development Blog presents The Power of the Force
As always, copyright of a given poem belongs to its author. Feel free to link, but ask permission before copying.
Carnival of Poets is listed at the TTLB ÜberCarnival.
Submissions to this carnival can be made by sending email to carnivalofpoets at gmail dot com, or by using the Carnival Submit Form at Conservative Cat. Submissions are posted once I have at least 10 entries, so the only way to make them more frequent is to write more, and encourage your friends to write more.