Carnival Four
- Jerry Monaco at Hopeful Monsters presents Heidegger - Back from Syracuse a Poem by Jerry Monaco
- Adam at Sophistpundit presents Sabueso's Sonnet
- Bill Trippe presents You Are
- Andrew Ian Dodge at Dodgeblogium presents More Poetry
- Starling David Hunter at The Business of America Is Business presents Corporate Poetry
- muse at me-ander presents weather dilemma
- Jeremy at bardseyeview presents A Sonnet, if you Wannit
- Jerry Monaco at Shandean Postscripts to Politics, Philosophy, & Culture presents an analysis in Irony and Pity: the Hopeful Monsters of Interpretation in Robert Lowell's "Florence"
- Small Town Veteran pens a very political poem about the Iraq War: Force Multipliers.
And one more poet, with several poems. J. Andrew Lockhart submitted his haiku and tanka
clouds glow
from the full moon
at midnight...
his memories
awake the crickets
spanish moss
drips down the limbs
hiding secrets
she sleeps..
unguarded beauty
melts the ice
skips over the brooks..
shimmering sunset
paper airplanes
swirl with leaves
in the wind
as chained dogs
demand freedom
Thats all for now people! As always, copyright of a given poem belongs to its author. Feel free to link, but ask permission before copying. Carnival of Poets is listed in the Truth Laid Bear's ÜberCarnival. The next carnival will happen when I get a total of ten posts at carnivalofpoets at gmail dot com. To submit, either mail me directly at that address or use the Carnival Submit Form at The Conservative Cat.
i love that poem above, very nice example of the haiku style, also great site and esy to navigate, keep up the good work all who post here! Pce, L :)
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